Monday 2 September 2013

Make More Progress This Month!

Happy Monday & Happy New Month!!!  Where did August go? That was QUICK!
My goal for this month: *TO MAKE MORE PROGRESS* and I think you should join me!

Instead of trying to set brand new goals every month, why not continue from the previous month's goals?
- Goals you're close to achieving
- The ones you got lazy with
- Those that scared you

Make more progress with them this month! If you're happy to, please share one of your goals that you're carrying over from last month :)

Why set a brand new set of goals, when you have uncompleted, and important, ones?
I've found I've had the best results when I write down my goals. Have you tried that yet? Does that work for you too?

Have a great month of making more progress and exceeding your expectations!

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