Tuesday 17 September 2013

4 Tips On Speeding Up The Realisation Process: How To Start Living A Healthy Lifestyle:

It's #TransformationTuesday on social media, I think it all originated on Instagram, but I may be wrong.

It's a time when people post their before and after pictures to show their weight loss progress, well most of the time ;)

I find it very motivating because some people can relate to others' before pictures, and knowing where they started from and where they are now just might give them that extra push to finally start working to wards their healthy goals.

This brought back memories... and the point of the post below is: You're not ready until YOU are ready.

Stay with me, don't roll your eyes! I can't count how many times I heard, "You need to lose weight", "You've burgered up" <-- Yes burgered! To some, especially one Nigerian pastor, the word burger is a verb, etc 
No matter how much hearing those kind of statements, hurt me. No matter how many times I decided to starve myself the day after... I didn't make any real efforts until the day I saw the picture on the left:
Not only had I finally realised I had to do something, I was READY. A few months later, I was 40+ lbs lighter.

I'm sure a lot of you have had similar experiences and have probably even tried to diet (or starve yourself) for a short while, before going back to your usual habits. You're not alone!

Knowing what I know now, I could have sped up that realisation process and I hope I can do that for you today:
  1. Educate yourself. Find out the risks of eating what you feel you can't do without. When you start to learn about the harmful effects of being overweight, eating processed foods and other habits you can't seem to shake off, you'll start to think twice before you do anything.
  2. Subscribe to healthy resources, follow them on Twitter, 'Like' on  Facebook, join mailing lists
    (--> Join Mine Here <--), etc.
  3. Join a group. There's a group I'm a member of on Facebook, two in fact! And the groups have a few thousand women, who have similar goals - to get in shape, and to stay in shape. Nothing better than spending time with like minded people. Seeing how well others are doing, motivating each other when you're having "off" days, and inspiring each other along the journey.
  4. Join a program that has the group element stated above but with the added benefit of a professional to help you with your goals, exercise and nutrition.

    This is why I started the Get Trimmer program. Half of the battle is you deciding to dedicate time to sharing your meals, workouts, highs and lows. The other half includes the plans and guidelines I send weekly, my availability to answer questions in the group as soon as I can, and the support provided by others on the program.

    Registration isn't open for the next round yet but it will start on Monday October 14th, details will be up soon.

Register Your Interest 

Wouldn't it be great if YOU sent in your transformation pictures for me to share on here? Start implementing the steps above and it really could be you!

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