Friday 6 September 2013

10 Minute Friday Quickie

I have something for you today, a quick workout that you can do once you're done reading this. Yes you can, and you will!

Watch the Instagram Video HERE ( for how to do all three exercises.
  • Warm up for at least 2 minutes
  • 30s jump rope (speed)
    30s box jumps*
    30s knee-to-elbow
    30s rest
  • 45s jump rope (speed)
    45s box jumps
    45s knee-to-elbow
    45s rest
  • 1min jump rope (speed)
    1min box jumps
    1min knee-to-elbow
  • Cool down and Stretch
* If you don't have a box, go for squat jumps instead. If you are unable to jump (injury or otherwise), quick squats are fine.
** Your feet can be elevated on a chair. But if yo find this challenging, do these with your feet on the floor.

Try the above and let me know how you go.

Would you like to see more of these? Let me know!

Have a great weekend!

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