Monday, 15 April 2013

Quick Catch-Up: Meetup, Sweet Smoothie & Requests

Happy Monday!

Hope you had a good weekend?

Mine started off great - I met a reader of this blog, Ibukun on Friday morning. I'll admit I was a little nervous (Yep, I can be shy sometimes!) but once we met, I felt like I'd known her for ages. I guess it helps that we've chatted a couple of times on Facebook and she's taken part in the 'Get Trimmer Challenge' (She's signing up for the next one too) :) Thanks for the feedback, inspiration, ideas and suggestions Ibukun!

I got back home in the afternoon to do some work and I also made this yummy, simple green smoothie as I was craving something a little sweet.

100g spinach + 1 cucumber + 1 large mango + 2 cups* of water = 3 servings of sweet smoothie :)

*measuring cups

I was at Fitter London on Saturday and took part in an intense and heavy kettlebell strength session. I think I'm getting a little stronger, I love it! Strength training is so so important and will play a significant part in the next Get Trimmer Challenge so get ready ladies! I'm really trying to make the time to record strength workout videos but I might just start with blog posts and stop delaying it!

My Saturday night and Sunday were a blur because I had to take out my braids. Thank God for my friend who paid me a surprise visit on Sunday, she helped speed up the process A LOT!

Now that I have my beloved hair back after three months in braids, it's time to record hair videos.

Have a great week!

PS Spaces are limited in the challenge, which starts in exactly one week. If you want to be a part of it, click on the link below now:

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