Tuesday 6 November 2012

Plantain Recipe: 'Boli' with Goat Meat and 'Ata'

I've gotten a few requests for more Nigerian recipe videos so this month, as suggested by my friend Cucina Ceri, all recipe videos will be healthy Nigerian meal ideas.

For more Nigerian and Nigerian inspired recipes, check H E R E.

I use little to no oil when cooking my stews, this started when I was on Weight Watchers years ago and wanted to stick to my points requirement BUT still enjoy Nigerian food. I cut down on the oil and used the oil/fat from the chicken/meat and still got the expected flavour.

I've also applied this to the recipe below as usually the blended tomatoes, onions and pepper mixture is usually fried in a lot of oil to get the 'ata'.

Watch and let me know if you try this out.

I recorded another plantain video, and as it was straight forward, I might post it this week as well.

As always, please contact me on Twitter (@Adura_O), Facebook (AduraOO) or via email (info'at'adura-o'dot'com) with any blog or video requests you have.

1 comment:

Ceri said...

Nigerian November - it's all about the alliteration! Looking forward to seeing more Nigerian recipes this month - one day I might actually try something more adventurous than plantain!