Monday 11 July 2011

'Get Trimmer...' WEEK SEVEN


The challenge is almost over but remember the main goal of this challenge is to start living a healthier lifestyle. So... although I'll stop putting up 'GT' posts, I'll still put up healthy eating and exercise tips so this is ongoing :)

How are you all doing? I'm waiting for a blog post from Funto, she sent me this DM last weekend and I'm so proud of her!

"Who hoo my starting weight was 65kgs I weigh 60kgs now!! My waist is 29.5 cm! Progress. I'm so exited. Who hoo my starting weight was 65kgs I weigh 60kgs now!! My waist is 29.5 cm! Progress. I'm so excited. "

I know 65kg as a starting weight seems small but I've met Funto and she has a small frame. She sent me her pictures during week 1 of the challenge and her problem area was her tummy. It is tough but try not to compare your progress/weight with others. I weigh about 68kg and if I ever weigh 60kg (Funto's weight), I think I'll be flesh and bones, no muscle even O_O

So Funto... HINT! Send your post :)

Check out Funto's Post HERE.

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