Saturday 9 March 2013

It's Been A Long Week - My Personal Clean Eating Challenge & More

It's been a busy week and I have two unfinished blog posts - I started them earlier this week!

So, until I have the time to finish the blog posts and videos, I decided to share my week in pictures :)

Some of these pictures are on my instagram --> @Adura_O


"Why *nineteen*?", I hear you ask? Because I'm nineteen (hahahahahaha!), *sigh*

Seriously, I usually eat clean (no processed foods at all), and of course healthy food, Monday - Friday and relax a little during the weekend. A couple of weeks back, after noticing my treat days get worse each passing week, I decided to have 2 whole weeks #clean - it worked! I felt great and it helped get me back to where I used to be - Treat days that had a maximum of two treats instead of multiple, random treats here and there.

Then a couple of treats happened last weekend. A cupcake and a cookie from @vickii373, and some (okay, okay!) a bar of dark chocolate. Not too crazy but enough to alarm me. So I'm adding another week (5 days) to that challenge and making it 19 days of clean eating.

On Day 20, I will not go crazy with treats and inhale tubs of ice cream because that'd defeat the purpose! It's just another kick up my backside to get back on track with clean eating.

My goals are:
- To appreciate every mouthful of every meal
- To keep cooking (and eating) deliciously, healthy meals
- To look (my skin, my body) and feel (energy levels, digestion) better.

Feel free to join me :)

If you don't know, I make body & hair butters and face oils.

I've decided to add a little more structure to when I make them - every 4-6 weeks, depending on demand.

I spent most of Thursday making them and this was between a 7am class at the gym and a 6pm spin class. I was so happy when I was done!

I usually eat this without a "bun" (in quotes because I obviously didn't use burger buns) but wanted to try something different today. I'd heard a lot about how Portobello mushrooms are good for this. So I pan fried them for a few minutes on either side before serving. Burgers were oven cooked (ingredients above).
This was a great post workout breakfast and I was stuffed!

PS I usually eat two turkey burgers (no bun) with a side of veggies.

My dinner on Friday - Courgette spaghetti (recipe in the Fitter Food book) stir fried in chopped chilli, curry and thyme. Served with my (successful) experiment of pork & plantain meatballs.

I was craving ice cream last night so this strawberry & banana milkshake was my treat :) (Remember: I'm doing my #CleanNineteen personal challenge).

I bought unsweetened Almond milk from Holland & Barrett, make sure you look at the list of ingredients when buying almond milk because I've some cr*ppy excuses for almond milk. There's a brand that is 2% almond, TWO PERCENT!!!!!

And this brings me today (blogging from my sofa exhausted). After a very intense Fitter London kettlebell class, I came home and had a very late lunch of: plantain and eggs both fried in about 4tbsps of fat from my homemade (beef) bone broth. I drained most of the oil (left about tbsp) before frying the eggs, I seasoned them with parsley, curry and chilli.

Thanks to Fitter London's Keris for suggesting the fat as I'd run out of coconut oil.


I've had a few requests for more natural skincare/haircare posts and also some workout posts. They're definitely coming :)


Sugabelly said...

Wow, you're seriously inspiring me. Eating healthily is so difficult for me. :(

Adura O. said...

Glad to read that! :)

Start slowly, maybe one healthy meal a day and build from there. It takes about three weeks to form a habit so once you pass the three week mark, it gets easier and you can make more healthy changes :)

Adura O. said...

Glad to read that! :)

Start slowly, maybe one healthy meal a day and build from there. It takes about three weeks to form a habit so once you pass the three week mark, it gets easier and you can make more healthy changes :)