Thursday 28 February 2013

Green Tea: Get Over The Taste & Reap The Benefits

I'll be honest, the first time I tried green tea, I wasn't interested in drinking it ever again. Its taste wasn't anything to write home about but like most things, it's an acquired taste. It didn't help that I was never really a tea person, I could do without tea for years so the properties of green tea played a huge part in my going back to it! The way it settled my stomach, which was an instant result, helped too!
Now it's part of my daily routine and I always have at least one cup daily.

You could start out by having it with a natural sweetener eg stevia or raw honey. And slowly wean yourself off the sweetener. Another way to enjoy green tea is making homemade iced green tea. Again, you have the option to use a natural sweetener but slowly reduce it.

Green tea is also great for the skin, read this -->

For more on green tea, read:

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