This is another recipe that was borne out of laziness (like my Pancake recipe).
I'd had too many Thursday or Fridays evening where I got home and I'd run out of food. On one such evening, I got home and decided to throw whatever I had available into a pot - a can of chopped tomatoes, some chicken stock in the freezer and some chicken. Again, it worked and this is now my go-to easy, quick stew :)
Turkey (I used one turkey thigh and chopped it up)
1 can of chopped tomatoes
1 red onion
2 tablespoons of Oil
Seasonings - Mixed Spice, Mixed Herbs and one Jumbo seasoning cube
Optional: 1 teaspoon of Ground, dried pepper
'Quick' Stew
1. Boil the turkey (or chicken) with half the onion (chopped), season with mixed spice, mixed herbs and jumbo cube (or whatever seasonings you like)
2. While the turkey's cooking, add oil to another pot, slice the other half of the onion and fry for a few minutes.
3. Right before the onions start to brown, add the chopped tomatoes to the pot on medium heat.
4. Allow to cook for 10 minutes. Add some of your turkey stock to the chopped tomatoes (I'd say roughly, 300ml)
5. Add the ground pepper and cook for another 5 minutes.
6. Add the turkey to the pot. Allow to cook on medium-low heat for another 5-10 minutes... and you're done! :)
Serving Suggestions:
- I peeled and chopped one butternut squash and cooked in my turkey stock for ~ 10-15minutes. Served my stew with it.
- You can have this with brown rice, boiled plantain, sweet potato... and a side of vegetables :)
- Chicken, meat etc can be used instead of Turkey. And honestly, the breast is leaner than the thigh ;)
Looks yummy. Will try it sometime soon.
Yeah, stew is my main thing cos I normally eat it with lots of vegs or fish or meat...and its easy.
Looking forward to a better week. Last week was okay but not great. I managed to jog once, rode my bicycle twice. But I would love to jog more often cos the only time I lost a lot of weight (do you remember? it was also on a challenge with you! ah, it was wonderful! I have since added 5 kilos but thats cos I did not really continue with the all!)was when I jogged at least 4 times a, I am aiming for at least main problem is the stomach area and for me, so far, only joggiing /running seems to get that reduced.
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